Distillery Design & Improvement
BoozeWerks has helped distilleries across the United States & around the world improve their product, processes, and profitability. Whatever your project needs are, our Team can work with you to create the perfect craft distillery in your community.
Our industry experts provide integrated cross-discipline solutions to business planning & forecasting, raw material & equipment sourcing, custom equipment design & facility planning, existing product & process improvement, and facility staff training.

Brewery Design & Improvement
You’ve got the next new World-Class beer recipe in your hands, but you need to get it to market. The Team at BoozeWerks can assist you in creating the business plan, picking out the location, designing the brewery, and getting you up and brewing!
The craft-brewing industry has been in steady growth the last 15 years, and we have the insights and knowledge to navigate the marketplace to get you positioned just right for your opening day.

Wine / Cider
Winery Design & Improvement
The growth of the urban winery scene has been strong the past few years – from Austin to Seattle, London to Cape Town, and Amsterdam to Australia – and the trend is still moving upwards.
Our Team can help you plan & build the next ‘Hot & Local’ wine spot in your community. From layout & production to ingredient sourcing & marketing, BoozeWerks will help you build the dream from a wish to a successful enterprise.

Meet The Crew
We’ll realize your dream, help you master the craft, and bring the best products to market

Devin Mills
Principal, PE, MBA

Jakob Bradfield
Booze Engineer, MBA, ICGB

David Briley
Staff Engineer, Ph.D.

Benjamin Martin
Staff Engineer, MS