Devin Mills talks with Itsara Ounnarath, founder of White Tiger Distillery, producers of the ONLY rice-based whisky in the United States!
Fining/Filtration – Hands On, or Hands Off?
When it comes to fining and filtration there are as many options as there are opinions. Clarity vs. Natural, Shelf Stability vs. Fresh, Tradition vs. Modern. In both the wine world and the beer industry - this is a debate almost as old as the craft. In Australia, the...
Podcast Episode #02 – Cider Apples
In this episode of the BoozeWerks Podcast, Devin Mills talks about cider apples and how you go about making hard cider.
Devin Mills Hits the Small Screen
Our very own Devin Mills hits the small screen for the first time working with Tim Smith on Discovery Channel’s new show “Moonshiners: Whiskey Business”.
UK Bars/Pubs Face New Music Fees
Bars & Pubs in the UK are seeing their music licensing fees increase by 130%
Podcast Episode #01 – Distillery Thumper
In this episode of the BoozeWerks Podcast, Devin Mills goes into detail about a Distillery Thumper, or Doublers.
Heritage Mexican Wine?
A family in Baja are rescuing a long forgotten vineyard and starting to produce some spectacular wines – but they have no idea what the grape varietals are!
Sneak Peek at Discovery Channel’s – Moonshiners: Whiskey Business
Devin partners with Tim Smith of Climax Moonshine in Discovery Channel’s new show, Moonshiners: Whiskey Business.
Constellation brands just announced that they are going to be discontinuing almost 40% of their wine portfolio over the next the next 3 years.
It’s Official – Moonshiners: Whiskey Business
Our very own Devin Mills has been working with Tim Smith on this new “Moonshiners” spin-off for a while now – and it’s been Officially Announced by Discovery Channel!